Welcome to my Blog...

The things I plan on posting here will be things of interest to me & maybe you too!
If you like a post, please let me know. Enjoy my Blog & God Bless...

September 11, 2011

To My Fellow Human...

--- Over the last 10 YEARS,
--- there have been approximately
--- 547,500,000 deaths,
--- around the world...
/ \
I can feel for the parents who've lost a child,
...since my son GregJr died...

and for children who've lost a parent,
...since Dad died...

and for grandchildren who've lost a grandparent,
...since I've also lost my grandparents...

and for Nieces who've lost an Aunt or an Uncle,
...since I've also lost Aunts & Uncles...

and for cousins who've lost a cousin,
...since I've also lost cousins...

and for friends who've lost a friend,
...since I've also lost friends...

and for siblings who've lost siblings,
...since my sons Joey & David lost their brother...

Can I Hear Some Prayers
...for all Fellow Humans who have lost a Loved one...


  1. Imagine not being able to identify your Loved One... Death is already a horrific thing to happen to anyone...

  2. Imagine your Loved One dying in a: War... Terrorist Attack... Car Accident... Overdose... Suicide... Plane Crash... Murder... Train Accident... Poisoning... Illness... Cancer...
    Oh So Many ways people have died & I've only touched the surface here...


Thank you for Posting your comments! - God Bless!