Welcome to my Blog...

The things I plan on posting here will be things of interest to me & maybe you too!
If you like a post, please let me know. Enjoy my Blog & God Bless...

October 7, 2011


I am because I am from the great I AM
I do what I do from the Spirit within
Everything is possible,
with Christ in me
sometimes I may feel doubt
until I get down on my knees
then I know it's for real, it's true
and certain
I am because I am from the great I Am!
I don't need permission to be me, faults and all
I give heed to and listen to just one special call.
To Him who has changed my heart and gave
me strength again
I am because I am from the Great I AM!
I am because I am from the Great I Am
I love and am compassionate
as far as I can
asking HIM to lead me
and give me strength
I am, I am,
because of the Great I AM!
I am a Soldier for that which is good,
I'd bring the whole world to HIM
if only I could.
I am because I am from the Great I Am!

Debra Griffiths July 21, 2011
(All North American copy rights reserved)


  1. I enjoy your site. Thanks 4 sharing your life with us an being such an inspiration.

  2. Thank you so much Eleanor! Our oldest son is getting married in about 2 weeks!!! Everyone here is super excited... So much going on! At the same time, Greg & I are starting up our business again, after a few years of a break...
    My readers get me through - when I need some inspiration... Thanks!


Thank you for Posting your comments! - God Bless!