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August 11, 2011

Dear Sisters And Brothers In Sorrow,

by Shari Soklow

You are all so very precious to me! As time goes by I feel it even more... Mostly because you do not hide behind a mask! But instead show your true feelings... Your sadness, misery, anger, rage, depression, Love, kindness, caring, grief, heartfelt sorrow! And as you and I share our struggles together, We are bonded forever in our mutual sad cruel fate, And I thank you for sharing this mostly unbearable sorrow!

I want to reach out and hug each one of you! To let you know how deeply I can feel your hurt! Of course not as you and you alone do! But in my own way, and at times that is more than I can bear! I pray not only for help coping- with my own huge tragic losses, I also pray for all of you and yours! And because you have allowed me- to be a part of your suffering, just as I am suffering, I am a better person for Knowing and now caring for each and every one of you!

And I promise to forever remain a true friend And pray for all of us survivors to walk in hope, peace and light! Until the day the curtain is lifted and we all can rejoice at the Re-Union and celebrate Eternal Life!

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