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August 16, 2011


From Shari Soklow's book titled

"Jack's Daughter's Blessings"

Dear God, please lend me your ears...
Give me the courage to face all my fears.
As I stand in the crossroads dreading my life.
My broken heart filled with suffering and strife.

You know that I lost everyone that I love.
Please take this, my message, to Heaven above.
I live on this earth plain as only your guest.
My broken heart is in Heaven, with the best of the best!

My mother, my father, my husband and now my son!
What more can death take from me?
Now that I have lost every one!
When I lost my dear Auntie

You lifted the veil for me to see...
That blessed day her apparition appeared to me!
Oh! The comfort that gave me! The joy, peace and hope...
Please help me again, help me to cope!

I know when my time comes, my loved ones I will see.
Our history together, will bring them to me.
I wish my days on earth to go very fast...
So I may join my beloveds in eternity at last.

I will do good deeds the rest of my days...
As I honor my loved ones in very special ways!
But never again will I feel complete joy as before,
As the days when my beloved son came to my front door!

With his great smile, his hug and kiss,
So empty my heart now, his presence I deeply miss!
For other mothers who suffer like me,
Tortured beyond our wildest imaginings

If a tyrant our loved ones does steal...
Then on our hearts, we must all wear this seal,
This earth has no sorrow,
That Heaven can not heal!

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