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August 22, 2011

Guess What Mommy And Daddy?

Guess what mommy & daddy,
Heaven is great.
Just like you said,
There's not much longer to wait.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
I have a guardian angel who comes at night.
I told him I wanted to go,
But the times not right.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
My angel came this morning.
While you were still in bed,
He came with a warning.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
When I left with June.
So you could rest some more,
I knew my time was soon.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
When you were finally out of sight,
I told my angel,
The time is just right.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
When you still didn't know I was gone,
My angel put his hand in mine,
And I was no longer stiff or sick,I felt so happy & fine.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
When the hospital called,I saw you crying from above.
I saw daddy & how scared he was,
And I knew how much I was loved.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
On the way to the hospital I heard you pray,
Don't let them bring me back,
I know you don't want God to take me away.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
I saw you walk into the ER,and ask is he gone.
I saw the look on your face when the nurse said yes!
It looked like you'd never go on.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
I seen you holding me tight.
I kissed you good-bye with my love,
And tried to tell you I was alright.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
There's no more pain,
You can go on with your life,
And not feel so drained.
Guess what mommy & daddy,
I'll watch you all your days through.
And be like your guardian angel,
Just because, I LOVE YOU!!
~by Beckie/Heavens Angel

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