Welcome to my Blog...

The things I plan on posting here will be things of interest to me & maybe you too!
If you like a post, please let me know. Enjoy my Blog & God Bless...

February 2, 2014

Wes has given me a Reason...

I've been seeing this great guy (Wes) for 5 months today!
He treats me like a Princess and I consider him my Prince.
We've had a wonderful time these last 5 months.
We have both lost a child and both are depressed over it.
Having these things in common brought us together.
But we have a lot more in common that has kept us together...
Here we are with his son at Chuckie Cheese...
Here Wes is at the Farm Show we went to.
Look at that Smile!
Here they are picking out a feather...
Such a Good Daddy!
His son is tired from the several hours we spent at the Farm Show.

I Really like Wes A lot...
He has made me Smile again...
He has given me a reason to be with him...

Although, Greg will always have a hole in my heart,
because he's the father of my sons,
and that we've been married for 23 years,
Separated for 2 years & awaiting divorce...

Wes has brought me through this time and given me a reason to love again!
Here's us at the Chirstmas Light Show in York, PA
We are so happy together...