Welcome to my Blog...

The things I plan on posting here will be things of interest to me & maybe you too!
If you like a post, please let me know. Enjoy my Blog & God Bless...

April 26, 2013

My Son's THIRD Year in Heaven... (Forever 18)

A FaceBook Remembrance Event
for my son
Greggy's 3rd Angelversary 

APRIL 26th, 2013

(Anywhere you are)

It's so hard to believe he's been gone for
almost 3 years now...

Please say you'll attend!

 Last year there were 510 people who attended

& I'd like to match that or exceed that this year...
All you have to do is select JOIN,

you can even click the star on the top right...
and then select "Turn OFF Notifications"
so you don't get notified of each post...

Thanks in advance...

April 20, 2013

Help for those who are grieving...

I've been traveling this journey of grief for 35 1/2 years so please allow me to share with those of you who are new on this journey........

The initial pain is of such magnitude that we become locked in that nightmare moment that seems to have no end. Be kind to yourself and grieve at your own pace and somewhere along the pathway of this journey you will once again see light and embrace all the cherished memories of times shared with your child. I told myself "if not for my child I would never have known the ultimate depths of pain" and almost in the same breath I told myself " My child was worth all this pain just to have had him in my life for 19 years."
I was the Mother who many said would never survive once my Glen was gone but in my darkest hour I came to know my truest strength and remembering my son's words to me.... Mom, you can do anything. 

Now my prayers are for others who follow behind me on this journey we share so close your eyes and say this too shall pass, taking one day at a time. 
May God embrace each of you with his love, fill you with his mighty strength and touch you with his healing power God loves you and I do too!.

written by: Eve Shannon

April 19, 2013

April 2, 2013

A Year Ago Today...

A Year Ago Today...
My Husband of 23 Years 
(Now 24)
Came out of the shower
& Said:
"I need a New Form"
& I Said:
"What do you want on the form?"
& then he said:

"You don't ask me questions,
I'm the Boss - You're the Employee
You're Fired & I Quit our Marriage!"

After All Lyrics...

She knows the voices in her mind
They tell her to leave
She's tired smiling madly
Until silence becomes very silently
A noise in her mind
After all she has nothing inside
No good to give, no meaning to live
The mist engulfed tonight
Every single star
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie
She knows the noises in her mind
Nothings left but screaming silence
After all she feels numbness inside
The feeling's gone she's upside down
The pictures behind her closed eyes
This time you went too far
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie
After all she's got nothing inside
No good to give, no meaning to live
The mist engulfed tonight
Every single star
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie
After all they shared
Could he simply say no
After all they shared
He turned away from her to go
She said she wouldn't cry
That was really just a lie