Welcome to my Blog...

The things I plan on posting here will be things of interest to me & maybe you too!
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November 6, 2009

GoD and DoG

I just watched this video again & thought, I need to share it with any of you who happen to read my blog... I know you'll love it, as much as we do! Of course, If you've already seen it, then watch it again... If you've never seen it, then watch it at least twice! The words are at the bottom, & by the second time, you'll be singing along --- Trust Me!! It is such a humbling song! For I know that God Loves ME No-Matter-What!

I am not perfect, in fact I am FAR from being anywhere close to Perfect... But It's Beautiful to know that I can be anywhere & God knows where I am & Loves me!!! --- Our Dogs loves us no matter where we take them, even when we took them with us, out of Florida & all the way up to this cold state! LOL - - - Amen Bow-Wow!

The video that I'm talking about: GoD and DoG & is written by Wendy Francisco. She has her own web-site: http://www.Godanddog.org/  & if you like the video a lot, you can support her & buy some of her great products right from her web-site!

I hope you like it as much as we do!


  1. Great video Chrissy! Keep up the interesting and great posts.

  2. By the Way, Enjoyed the Photos on the right.


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