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September 6, 2011

Sisters and Brothers in Sorrow

by Shari Soklow

I feel your tears I know your fears,
Its not just you, I have them too!
We are all the same, and at times do blame,
those who say thoughtless words..

and could never know...
how our empty, tormented hearts break so!
Feel my hug, take my hand, lean on me,
I share with you, our common sad destiny!

We are all sisters and brothers in sorrow,
Longing for a better tomorrow!
This cruel, sad, unwanted, unasked for fate!
Oh gentle earth, come swallow me up, its too hard to wait!

But wait we must, till one fine Glorious Day...
when shadows leave, and sunshine comes to play!
Wow! Here we are, at Heavens door,
..................no more sadness anymore!
Now let me introduce my son, he is my one and only one!

You say you have a son here too?
A beloved son, deeply missed all years through?
Why, look their friends, who would have guessed?
Seems like Heaven always knew what's best!

Why there's your daughter, so beautiful and bright!
Look how she smiles in that radiant light!
This gentle earth has no sorrow that Heaven can not heal!
When we re-unite, just think how great we will all feel!

I promise every word I say shall someday ring true,
Life is eternal; love is forever, for me and for you!


  1. Awesome, I love it!

  2. She's Awesome! Look her name up, she's written a couple of books!


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